CLI reference

This page lists the --help for every sqlite-utils CLI sub-command.


See Running SQL queries.

Usage: sqlite-utils query [OPTIONS] PATH SQL

  Execute SQL query and return the results as JSON

  --attach <TEXT FILE>...     Additional databases to attach - specify alias and
  --nl                        Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays                    Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                       Output CSV
  --tsv                       Output TSV
  --no-headers                Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table                 Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT                  Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                              github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                              latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                              orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst,
                              simple, textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols                 Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not
                              escaped strings
  -r, --raw                   Raw output, first column of first row
  -p, --param <TEXT TEXT>...  Named :parameters for SQL query
  --load-extension TEXT       SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.


See Querying data directly using an in-memory database.

Usage: sqlite-utils memory [OPTIONS] [PATHS]... SQL

  Execute SQL query against an in-memory database, optionally populated by
  imported data

  To import data from CSV, TSV or JSON files pass them on the command-line:

      sqlite-utils memory one.csv two.json \
          "select * from one join two on one.two_id ="

  For data piped into the tool from standard input, use "-" or "stdin":

      cat animals.csv | sqlite-utils memory - \
          "select * from stdin where species = 'dog'"

  The format of the data will be automatically detected. You can specify the
  format explicitly using :json, :csv, :tsv or :nl (for newline-delimited JSON)
  - for example:

      cat animals.csv | sqlite-utils memory stdin:csv places.dat:nl \
          "select * from stdin where place_id in (select id from places)"

  Use --schema to view the SQL schema of any imported files:

      sqlite-utils memory animals.csv --schema

  --attach <TEXT FILE>...     Additional databases to attach - specify alias and
  --flatten                   Flatten nested JSON objects, so {"foo": {"bar":
                              1}} becomes {"foo_bar": 1}
  --nl                        Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays                    Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                       Output CSV
  --tsv                       Output TSV
  --no-headers                Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table                 Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT                  Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                              github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                              latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                              orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst,
                              simple, textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols                 Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not
                              escaped strings
  -r, --raw                   Raw output, first column of first row
  -p, --param <TEXT TEXT>...  Named :parameters for SQL query
  --encoding TEXT             Character encoding for CSV input, defaults to
  -n, --no-detect-types       Treat all CSV/TSV columns as TEXT
  --schema                    Show SQL schema for in-memory database
  --dump                      Dump SQL for in-memory database
  --save FILE                 Save in-memory database to this file
  --analyze                   Analyze resulting tables and output results
  --load-extension TEXT       SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.


See Inserting JSON data, Inserting CSV or TSV data.

Usage: sqlite-utils insert [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE FILE

  Insert records from FILE into a table, creating the table if it does not
  already exist.

  By default the input is expected to be a JSON array of objects. Or:

  - Use --nl for newline-delimited JSON objects
  - Use --csv or --tsv for comma-separated or tab-separated input
  - Use --lines to write each incoming line to a column called "line"
  - Use --text to write the entire input to a column called "text"

  You can also use --convert to pass a fragment of Python code that will be used
  to convert each input.

  Your Python code will be passed a "row" variable representing the imported
  row, and can return a modified row.

  If you are using --lines your code will be passed a "line" variable, and for
  --text an "text" variable.

  --pk TEXT                 Columns to use as the primary key, e.g. id
  --flatten                 Flatten nested JSON objects, so {"a": {"b": 1}}
                            becomes {"a_b": 1}
  --nl                      Expect newline-delimited JSON
  -c, --csv                 Expect CSV input
  --tsv                     Expect TSV input
  --lines                   Treat each line as a single value called 'line'
  --text                    Treat input as a single value called 'text'
  --convert TEXT            Python code to convert each item
  --import TEXT             Python modules to import
  --delimiter TEXT          Delimiter to use for CSV files
  --quotechar TEXT          Quote character to use for CSV/TSV
  --sniff                   Detect delimiter and quote character
  --no-headers              CSV file has no header row
  --encoding TEXT           Character encoding for input, defaults to utf-8
  --batch-size INTEGER      Commit every X records
  --alter                   Alter existing table to add any missing columns
  --not-null TEXT           Columns that should be created as NOT NULL
  --default <TEXT TEXT>...  Default value that should be set for a column
  -d, --detect-types        Detect types for columns in CSV/TSV data
  --analyze                 Run ANALYZE at the end of this operation
  --load-extension TEXT     SQLite extensions to load
  --silent                  Do not show progress bar
  --ignore                  Ignore records if pk already exists
  --replace                 Replace records if pk already exists
  --truncate                Truncate table before inserting records, if table
                            already exists
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.


See Upserting data.

Usage: sqlite-utils upsert [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE FILE

  Upsert records based on their primary key. Works like 'insert' but if an
  incoming record has a primary key that matches an existing record the existing
  record will be updated.

  --pk TEXT                 Columns to use as the primary key, e.g. id
  --flatten                 Flatten nested JSON objects, so {"a": {"b": 1}}
                            becomes {"a_b": 1}
  --nl                      Expect newline-delimited JSON
  -c, --csv                 Expect CSV input
  --tsv                     Expect TSV input
  --lines                   Treat each line as a single value called 'line'
  --text                    Treat input as a single value called 'text'
  --convert TEXT            Python code to convert each item
  --import TEXT             Python modules to import
  --delimiter TEXT          Delimiter to use for CSV files
  --quotechar TEXT          Quote character to use for CSV/TSV
  --sniff                   Detect delimiter and quote character
  --no-headers              CSV file has no header row
  --encoding TEXT           Character encoding for input, defaults to utf-8
  --batch-size INTEGER      Commit every X records
  --alter                   Alter existing table to add any missing columns
  --not-null TEXT           Columns that should be created as NOT NULL
  --default <TEXT TEXT>...  Default value that should be set for a column
  -d, --detect-types        Detect types for columns in CSV/TSV data
  --analyze                 Run ANALYZE at the end of this operation
  --load-extension TEXT     SQLite extensions to load
  --silent                  Do not show progress bar
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.


See Executing SQL in bulk.

Usage: sqlite-utils bulk [OPTIONS] PATH SQL FILE

  Execute parameterized SQL against the provided list of documents.

  --flatten              Flatten nested JSON objects, so {"a": {"b": 1}} becomes
                         {"a_b": 1}
  --nl                   Expect newline-delimited JSON
  -c, --csv              Expect CSV input
  --tsv                  Expect TSV input
  --lines                Treat each line as a single value called 'line'
  --text                 Treat input as a single value called 'text'
  --convert TEXT         Python code to convert each item
  --import TEXT          Python modules to import
  --delimiter TEXT       Delimiter to use for CSV files
  --quotechar TEXT       Quote character to use for CSV/TSV
  --sniff                Detect delimiter and quote character
  --no-headers           CSV file has no header row
  --encoding TEXT        Character encoding for input, defaults to utf-8
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Transforming tables.

Usage: sqlite-utils transform [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE

  Transform a table beyond the capabilities of ALTER TABLE

  --type <TEXT CHOICE>...   Change column type to INTEGER, TEXT, FLOAT or BLOB
  --drop TEXT               Drop this column
  --rename <TEXT TEXT>...   Rename this column to X
  -o, --column-order TEXT   Reorder columns
  --not-null TEXT           Set this column to NOT NULL
  --not-null-false TEXT     Remove NOT NULL from this column
  --pk TEXT                 Make this column the primary key
  --pk-none                 Remove primary key (convert to rowid table)
  --default <TEXT TEXT>...  Set default value for this column
  --default-none TEXT       Remove default from this column
  --drop-foreign-key TEXT   Drop this foreign key constraint
  --sql                     Output SQL without executing it
  --load-extension TEXT     SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.


See Extracting columns into a separate table.

Usage: sqlite-utils extract [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMNS...

  Extract one or more columns into a separate table

  --table TEXT             Name of the other table to extract columns to
  --fk-column TEXT         Name of the foreign key column to add to the table
  --rename <TEXT TEXT>...  Rename this column in extracted table
  --load-extension TEXT    SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.


See Showing the schema.

Usage: sqlite-utils schema [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Show full schema for this database or for specified tables

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Inserting data from files.

Usage: sqlite-utils insert-files [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE FILE_OR_DIR...

  Insert one or more files using BLOB columns in the specified table

  Example usage:

  sqlite-utils insert-files pics.db images *.gif \
      -c name:name \
      -c content:content \
      -c content_hash:sha256 \
      -c created:ctime_iso \
      -c modified:mtime_iso \
      -c size:size \
      --pk name

  -c, --column TEXT      Column definitions for the table
  --pk TEXT              Column to use as primary key
  --alter                Alter table to add missing columns
  --replace              Replace files with matching primary key
  --upsert               Upsert files with matching primary key
  --name TEXT            File name to use
  --text                 Store file content as TEXT, not BLOB
  --encoding TEXT        Character encoding for input, defaults to utf-8
  -s, --silent           Don't show a progress bar
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Analyzing tables.

Usage: sqlite-utils analyze-tables [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Analyze the columns in one or more tables

  -c, --column TEXT      Specific columns to analyze
  --save                 Save results to _analyze_tables table
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Converting data in columns.

Usage: sqlite-utils convert [OPTIONS] DB_PATH TABLE COLUMNS... CODE

  Convert columns using Python code you supply. For example:

  $ sqlite-utils convert my.db mytable mycolumn \
      '"\n".join(textwrap.wrap(value, 10))' \

  "value" is a variable with the column value to be converted.

  Use "-" for CODE to read Python code from standard input.

  The following common operations are available as recipe functions:

  r.jsonsplit(value, delimiter=',', type=<class 'str'>)

    Convert a string like a,b,c into a JSON array ["a", "b", "c"]

  r.parsedate(value, dayfirst=False, yearfirst=False)

    Parse a date and convert it to ISO date format: yyyy-mm-dd

  r.parsedatetime(value, dayfirst=False, yearfirst=False)

    Parse a datetime and convert it to ISO datetime format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS

  You can use these recipes like so:

  $ sqlite-utils convert my.db mytable mycolumn \
      'r.jsonsplit(value, delimiter=":")'

  --import TEXT                   Python modules to import
  --dry-run                       Show results of running this against first 10
  --multi                         Populate columns for keys in returned
  --where TEXT                    Optional where clause
  -p, --param <TEXT TEXT>...      Named :parameters for where clause
  --output TEXT                   Optional separate column to populate with the
  --output-type [integer|float|blob|text]
                                  Column type to use for the output column
  --drop                          Drop original column afterwards
  -s, --silent                    Don't show a progress bar
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


See Listing tables.

Usage: sqlite-utils tables [OPTIONS] PATH

  List the tables in the database

  --fts4                 Just show FTS4 enabled tables
  --fts5                 Just show FTS5 enabled tables
  --counts               Include row counts per table
  --nl                   Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays               Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                  Output CSV
  --tsv                  Output TSV
  --no-headers           Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table            Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT             Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                         github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                         latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                         orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst, simple,
                         textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols            Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not escaped
  --columns              Include list of columns for each table
  --schema               Include schema for each table
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Listing views.

Usage: sqlite-utils views [OPTIONS] PATH

  List the views in the database

  --counts               Include row counts per view
  --nl                   Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays               Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                  Output CSV
  --tsv                  Output TSV
  --no-headers           Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table            Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT             Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                         github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                         latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                         orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst, simple,
                         textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols            Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not escaped
  --columns              Include list of columns for each view
  --schema               Include schema for each view
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Returning all rows in a table.

Usage: sqlite-utils rows [OPTIONS] PATH DBTABLE

  Output all rows in the specified table

  -c, --column TEXT           Columns to return
  --where TEXT                Optional where clause
  -p, --param <TEXT TEXT>...  Named :parameters for where clause
  --limit INTEGER             Number of rows to return - defaults to everything
  --offset INTEGER            SQL offset to use
  --nl                        Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays                    Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                       Output CSV
  --tsv                       Output TSV
  --no-headers                Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table                 Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT                  Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                              github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                              latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                              orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst,
                              simple, textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols                 Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not
                              escaped strings
  --load-extension TEXT       SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.


See Listing triggers.

Usage: sqlite-utils triggers [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Show triggers configured in this database

  --nl                   Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays               Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                  Output CSV
  --tsv                  Output TSV
  --no-headers           Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table            Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT             Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                         github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                         latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                         orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst, simple,
                         textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols            Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not escaped
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Listing indexes.

Usage: sqlite-utils indexes [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Show indexes for this database

  --aux                  Include auxiliary columns
  --nl                   Output newline-delimited JSON
  --arrays               Output rows as arrays instead of objects
  --csv                  Output CSV
  --tsv                  Output TSV
  --no-headers           Omit CSV headers
  -t, --table            Output as a table
  --fmt TEXT             Table format - one of fancy_grid, fancy_outline,
                         github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs,
                         latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                         orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst, simple,
                         textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack
  --json-cols            Detect JSON cols and output them as JSON, not escaped
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Creating an empty database.

Usage: sqlite-utils create-database [OPTIONS] PATH

  Create a new empty database file.

  --enable-wal  Enable WAL mode on the created database
  -h, --help    Show this message and exit.


See Creating tables.

Usage: sqlite-utils create-table [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMNS...

  Add a table with the specified columns. Columns should be specified using
  name, type pairs, for example:

  sqlite-utils create-table my.db people \
      id integer \
      name text \
      height float \
      photo blob --pk id

  --pk TEXT                 Column to use as primary key
  --not-null TEXT           Columns that should be created as NOT NULL
  --default <TEXT TEXT>...  Default value that should be set for a column
  --fk <TEXT TEXT TEXT>...  Column, other table, other column to set as a
                            foreign key
  --ignore                  If table already exists, do nothing
  --replace                 If table already exists, replace it
  --load-extension TEXT     SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.


See Creating indexes.

Usage: sqlite-utils create-index [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMN...

  Add an index to the specified table covering the specified columns. Use
  "sqlite-utils create-index mydb -- -column" to specify descending order for a

  --name TEXT            Explicit name for the new index
  --unique               Make this a unique index
  --if-not-exists        Ignore if index already exists
  --analyze              Run ANALYZE after creating the index
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Configuring full-text search.

Usage: sqlite-utils enable-fts [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMN...

  Enable full-text search for specific table and columns

  --fts4                 Use FTS4
  --fts5                 Use FTS5
  --tokenize TEXT        Tokenizer to use, e.g. porter
  --create-triggers      Create triggers to update the FTS tables when the
                         parent table changes.
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: sqlite-utils populate-fts [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMN...

  Re-populate full-text search for specific table and columns

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: sqlite-utils rebuild-fts [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Rebuild all or specific full-text search tables

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: sqlite-utils disable-fts [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE

  Disable full-text search for specific table

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Optimize.

Usage: sqlite-utils optimize [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Optimize all full-text search tables and then run VACUUM - should shrink the
  database file

  --no-vacuum            Don't run VACUUM
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Optimizing index usage with ANALYZE.

Usage: sqlite-utils analyze [OPTIONS] PATH [NAMES]...

  Run ANALYZE against the whole database, or against specific named indexes and

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.


See Vacuum.

Usage: sqlite-utils vacuum [OPTIONS] PATH

  Run VACUUM against the database

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.


See Dumping the database to SQL.

Usage: sqlite-utils dump [OPTIONS] PATH

  Output a SQL dump of the schema and full contents of the database

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Adding columns.

Usage: sqlite-utils add-column [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COL_NAME

  Add a column to the specified table

  --fk TEXT                Table to reference as a foreign key
  --fk-col TEXT            Referenced column on that foreign key table - if
                           omitted will automatically use the primary key
  --not-null-default TEXT  Add NOT NULL DEFAULT 'TEXT' constraint
  --load-extension TEXT    SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.


See Adding foreign key constraints.

Usage: sqlite-utils add-foreign-key [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE COLUMN [OTHER_TABLE]

  Add a new foreign key constraint to an existing table. Example usage:

      $ sqlite-utils add-foreign-key my.db books author_id authors id

  WARNING: Could corrupt your database! Back up your database file first.

  --ignore               If foreign key already exists, do nothing
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Adding multiple foreign keys at once.

Usage: sqlite-utils add-foreign-keys [OPTIONS] PATH [FOREIGN_KEY]...

  Add multiple new foreign key constraints to a database. Example usage:

  sqlite-utils add-foreign-keys my.db \
      books author_id authors id \
      authors country_id countries id

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Adding indexes for all foreign keys.

Usage: sqlite-utils index-foreign-keys [OPTIONS] PATH

  Ensure every foreign key column has an index on it.

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See WAL mode.

Usage: sqlite-utils enable-wal [OPTIONS] PATH...

  Enable WAL for database files

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: sqlite-utils disable-wal [OPTIONS] PATH...

  Disable WAL for database files

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Enabling cached counts.

Usage: sqlite-utils enable-counts [OPTIONS] PATH [TABLES]...

  Configure triggers to update a _counts table with row counts

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


Usage: sqlite-utils reset-counts [OPTIONS] PATH

  Reset calculated counts in the _counts table

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Dropping tables.

Usage: sqlite-utils drop-table [OPTIONS] PATH TABLE

  Drop the specified table

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Creating views.

Usage: sqlite-utils create-view [OPTIONS] PATH VIEW SELECT

  Create a view for the provided SELECT query

  --ignore               If view already exists, do nothing
  --replace              If view already exists, replace it
  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


See Dropping views.

Usage: sqlite-utils drop-view [OPTIONS] PATH VIEW

  Drop the specified view

  --load-extension TEXT  SQLite extensions to load
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.